Monday, December 24, 2007

Calc AB Review Question

Did any one else get a negative answer for any of the review questions? I seem to get a negative answer for Location #4. I think I've done something wrong since I haven't used the interval on this problem, but right now I don't see any other way to approach this problem. I'm pretty sure none of the answers are supposed to be negative. Did anyone else have this problem?


Anonymous said...

I was able to get a non negative number. But I integrated on the interval first, and then, took the derivative of that. I don't know if this is the right way to do the problem; maybe there is a simpler way to do it! :)

Cindy said...
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Cindy said...

Be careful of what the FTC really says. The interval in this problem is reversed from what it should be. That's why your answer is negative.
Yes, you can integrate then differentiate, but that's the long way around it. What would you do if you couldn't integrate??

Jennifer Oh said...

You have to consider the interval because it's reversed. Then, your negative number will turn positive.